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Bringing Joy to the Audience from Joy of Collaboration.
用  歌聲   撥動你的心弦

The Singing Owls (貓頭鷹室內合唱團), based in the Seattle area, was born during the Pandemic year 2020. It comprises of 10 veteran choral singers who could not stop singing despite the COVID-19 shutdown. As we ride the roller coasters of COVID-19 variants, we navigate our ways of singing in a safety-first manner.


Under Ms. Ya-Li Lee’s coaching and direction, we explore different genres/eras and search for the voice that represents our group’s personality.


Beautiful human voice creates resonance aurally, but like all forms of art, it can extend to emotional resonance among all singers and the audiences. As we take the journey of learning and engaging in fine quality choral art, we strive to soothe those who are struggling and bring joy to all listeners .

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Upcoming Events

Monday, Nov. 4
Emerald Heights
10901 176th Cir NE, Redmond, WA 98052

We will share our music with the residence and friends of the Emerald Heights Community.

Sunday, Nov. 10
St. John's Episcopal Church
105 State St, Kirkland, WA 98033
Premiere Concert

We are excited to present our first concert, featuring "Kaleidoscope of Growth" – reflecting the Owls' journey through the lenses of a kaleidoscope.

Past Events

Sat., May 18, 2024
Music of Taiwan
Sat., Oct. 28, 2023
Skyline Community
Seattle, WA
Voice of a Flowering Tree –
the Story of a 500-year-old prayer
Sat., May 20, 2023
Music of Taiwan
  • YouTube

© 2024 by The Singing Owls

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